The tenth post in a series, we address the ninth most common school choice myth in Iowa: Myth Number 9 – Any expansion of school choice will hurt rural schools.
School Choice Myth #5
The sixth in a series, here is school choice myth number five: Myth Number 5 – Inequity grows because private schools don’t have to take everyone.
School Choice Myth #4
The fourth in a series, here is school choice myth number four: Myth Number 4 – Educational Choice violates the principal of Separation of Church and State.
School Choice Myth #2
The second post in a series, here is the second of the top ten school choice myths we hear often: Myth Number 2 – Educational Choice will leave the most disadvantaged and difficult-to-educate students in the public school system.
School Choice Myth #1
We believe, as most Iowans do, that parents are the primary educators of their children and are ultimately responsible for their upbringing. We also believe that the State of Iowa has a compelling (and state Constitutional) interest in ensuring every child has at least a quality, basic education. Myth Number 1: Educational choice programs drain resources from an already underfunded public school system. (“Public dollars for public schools.”)