2024/2025 IACS School Survey Results For the past three years, IACS has surveyed its member schools to get data on the challenges and successes that we are seeing statewide and help inform our work both in education, support, and advocacy. This year (2024) marks the largest percentage of schools to respond in the three years […]
Highlights From 2023 School Survey
There have been significant changes in the educational environment for our schools this year. With the passing of the “Students First Act” in January of 2023, the year was spent shifting gears as schools sought to implement Education Savings Accounts (ESAs) with fidelity and to navigate a quick turnaround on rules and changes in their business offices.
Coverage of School Choice/ESA Survey
IACS is proud to be a part of the Iowa Alliance/Advocates for Choice in Education (Iowa ACE) coalition. This week, Iowa ACE cohosted a press conference with The Friedman Foundation for Educational Choice, announcing the results of a survey condicted Statewide. This survey was very encouraging! Here is a round up of links with more […]