It’s time to RSVP TODAY for the IACS Annual Meeting!
Dear IACS Schools & Administrators,
At what other event can you sit with a diverse yet like-minded group of Christian educators? Where else can you get free legal advice for your school, hear from Iowa leaders on issues unique to your school, and rub shoulders with others who share your passion for our kids?
The IACS Annual Meeting is Wednesday, October 26 from 9AM – 2PM and we need you there!
Please RSVP today and let us know how many are coming!
This meeting is open to administrators, board members, and teachers. This meeting is open to any Christian school in Iowa with IACS member schools getting one vote per school during the business meeting portion of the day.
This year we are pleased to annouce that IACS’ attorney, Bill Gustoff, will be back to follow-up on last year’s talk on social issues affecting our schools as well as the policies your school should have in place. He will also be discussing new issues that will help your school wade throught he legal issues we all face! This free advice is worth the trip all by itself!
In addtion, we are also thrilled that Lt. Gov. Kim Reynolds will be joining us to discuss private school issues and take your questions!
We will also be discussing our dues structure moving forward, announcing our new stand-alone preschool membership level, giving an update on IACS’ goals, as well as a couple of other fun things we are still working on. We’ll also be highlighting new ways to get your school and parents involved to support your school – include some fun new electronic tools.
Did we mention morning munchables and lunch are on IACS? Free legal advice AND free lunch along with great presentations?! Yep. Because we love you.
Let’s recap:
What: IACS Annual Meeting
When: Wednesday, October 26 from 9AM to 2PM
Where: Fox Creek Center, 33365 335th Street, Waukee (more like West Des Moines) 50263 just West of the Jordan Creek Mall. Mills Civic Parkway turns into 335th Street West of the mall. This is the same location as last year.
Why: We have business to take care of but we also have some great informational sessions, great food, and good people for you to interact with!
How: Clear your schedule that day! Then drive, walk, ride your bike. Whatever works! We need all hands on deck!
We gaurantee this will be worth your time. Please RSVP today! We can’t wait to see you there!