The Iowa Association of Christian Schools has partnered with Americans For Prosperity (AFP), the Iowa Catholic Conference, and the Iowa Alliance for Choice in Education (Iowa ACE) to produce a video on school choice and Education Savings Accounts (ESAs). We will be promoting this video and other info on ESAs and school Choice on our websites throughout the Summer and Fall of 2016 and up through the early parts of the next legislative session in January.
Going to the website referenced in the video[s] and signing up will add your email to the Iowa ACE and AFP email lists. If you want to ensure you get the latest on Christian schools and our efforts throughout the state, please sign up here. Spread the word as you begin to see these videos and posts pop up on our Facebook and Twitter pages over the coming months! Below is a short version featuring our very own Dean Ridder of Isaac Newton Christian Academy but you can see the full version on the United For Students coalition website.
Please let us know what you think!