IACS is a proud part of the school choice coalition under the umbrella of Iowa Alliance for Choice in Education (Iowa ACE) and its sister organization, Iowa Advocates For Choice in Education. Together, they host an “Education Celebration” at the Capitol each year. This year, with all the momentum on school choice, we need all hands on deck for this event!
We need you to make it a priority to be at the “Education Celebration” at the State Capitol on Tuesday, March 3! The purpose of the day is to visit with our legislators and show them how parental choice in education benefits children, families and the state of Iowa! Arrive around 10:00 AM for fellowship and lobbying time and stick around for the noon rally featuring Keynote Speaker Virginia Walden Ford, the powerful force behind the creation of the D.C. Opportunity Scholarships Program.
This is also an amazing opportunity to plan a tour of the Capitol and the Capitol grounds. Bring yourself or bring an entire class (or your entire school!). We can’t overstate what a big deal this event is.
Our attendance goal is 1,000 supporters – be a part of this important day! If you’re bringing a group, please notify Trish Wilger at twilger@iowaace.org. She may still have support for transportation expenses. Please visit www.iowaace.org for more information.
See you under the golden dome!