2025 IACS Legislative Priorities
The legislative session kicked off on January 13, 2025. At IACS, we are steadfast in our commitment to safeguarding Christian schools from legislation that may have adverse impacts while championing policies that drive positive change. Below, you’ll find our 2025 legislative priorities. Don’t forget to subscribe to our informational newsletters and advocacy updates. Stay involved and make a difference!
Area Education Agencies (AEA) Equitable Services for Media and Educational Services: Let a portion of the funding for nonpublic schools flow directly to their AEA for services. AEAs would either provide those services or reimburse the school’s choice of vendors.
Teacher Trainings: Get teacher trainings on a manageable schedule. Pass teacher trainings rotator language with clarification that future additions to trainings spreads out the timing of other trainings.
Athletics & Extracurricular Activities: Clarify role of resident districts in serving nonpublic school students within their borders who don’t have access to an extracurricular activity which is offered by the public school.
Preschool Issues:
- Clarify in Code that qualified community providers shall be included in preschool program.
- Compel the DE to rescind guidance violating religious liberty in faith-based preschools.
- Create additional flexibility in age of students to avoid gaps in service.
- IACS supports the coalition effort to increase funding for preschool.
Education Savings Accounts (ESAs):
- Allow other norm-referenced testing options that better measure what schools do and what students have accomplished while allowing better feedback to educators.
- Create a window for education savings account (ESA) applications for second semester enrollment.
School Start Date: State government should significantly deregulate public schools and allow maximum flexibility for all education types. The current start date law should, at a minimum, allow public and nonpublic schools more flexibility on the day of the week school starts by eliminating the current arbitrary date and creating a more flexible date in August that would prevent school starts late in the week.