Our latest newsletter is out! You can download it here (PDF)!
IACS Partners With Others To Promote ESAs
The Iowa Association of Christian Schools has partnered with Americans For Prosperity, The Iowa Catholic Conference, and the Iowa Alliance for Choice in Education to produce a video on school choice and ESAs.
2016 End of Session Newsletter
Our newsletter summarizing the 2016 session can be found here. It outlines the victory on independent accreditation, funding issues, assessments, the ESA effort, and more. Be sure to forward the PDF to your school parents, friends, and anyone who may be interested. Thank you to everyone who emailed your legislators this session. Although they didn’t […]
January 2016 IACS Newsletter
The 2016 Legislative Session has begun. This is the second year of the 86th General Assembly. Between lower-than-expected revenue estimates, current commitments in education reform, medicaid expansion, and other areas; and the dynamics of an election year; debate on budget and policy bills may be fewer but no less intense than usual this year.
Iowa School Choice Summit A Success!
On September 16, school choice supporters from all over the State gathered in Des Moines to discuss the future of school choice initiatives. Here are a couple of stories that provide good summaries of what happened: Iowa School Choice Advocates Gather In Des Moines Governor Raises Concern Before School Choice Group Branstad Advocates For Choice […]